Joey Rodriguez Ft Chiken Lira - El Spiral

5 Views· 12 Jan 2024
87 Subscribers
In Latin


People envy me out there I just listen to what they talk about me I have ears everywhere My friendships are only counted If they ever ask me for unemployment And I will always be there to lend a hand We never subtract We have to add things. I shouldn't hang out with the ordinary ones. They are easy to identify. With their right hand they squeeze your hand And with their left hand they have to stab you. Just the reason for the attack But those bullets never reached me Because God the Father is always taking care of me Spiral has them very dizzy The best mota in the entire state My name is going to stick with you I am in business that is how I have generated For my family that I love so much And for my nephews who I have at my side On the little route with the Razers you will see me in the Requinto dunes Mexican blood from Michoacan But in Califas they will see me walking San Bernardino there they have their home They are welcome if they want to arrive Artists who fall on the terrace That right now the whole race hears them They know that they count on my friendship I'm already older it's true I have many stories to tell Neither old young nor young very old I live quietly but I have fun Lighting a rooster I throw the smoke into the wind Always pending the movements Because if I invest it is always to win I live only to enjoy In any case people will talk As long as I never fail someone my family The envy will continue to grow Because I already saw that it is not because of what I have It is because of my essence that I carry inside And that will never go away

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